North Cross School provides a solid foundation in instrumental music for students in the Lower School. Early elementary students begin with two group music lessons per week and learn to develop a sense of rhythm with their hands and feet. 学生s in first grade learn note reading and rhythm counting and perform in the holiday concert and "Welcome to Roanoke, “平赤柱”计划. Second grade students gain exposure to musical cultures and perform in the holiday concert, and African Program with Marimbas and 打击乐器. 学生s in third grade receive ukulele and recorder instruction. Fourth grade students can choose between beginning band and chorus instruction twice a week, which they'll continue in fifth grade three days per week. Sixth and Seventh grade students continue on in Concert 乐队 or Concert Choir four days per week. Eighth through twelfth graders who wish to continue in chorus or band continue in either Chorale or 交响乐团. Here, their skills as musicians develop further. 学生s are exposed to more music theory, performance and competition—not to mention more difficult arrangements.
开始带 四、五年级
管乐团 六年级和七年级
交响乐团 Eighth through Twelfth Grade
Piano lessons may be offered independently at the school and arranged between the student and the instructors. There is an additional cost for piano lessons.
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641 • (540) 989-7299 (FAX) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 is an independent, 男女合校的, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer 校董会.
All contact information listed on this website is for official 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 business only. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not accept unsolicited advertisements sent to school email addresses, 电话号码, or fax numbers listed on this site. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, 入学, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School. For more information, read our 包容性的声明. 认证 North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅's Junior Kindergarten is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools who is recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Council for Private Education to accredit private nursery, 学前教育, elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. 会员资格 North Cross is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association for College Admission Counseling, and Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, The Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 隐私政策 |